
2021年3月12日—P.S..FoundanaddoncalledNotepadbyDarkAtair.AllowstocreateseparatenotetitlesandyoucanbindakeythroughESC-KeyBindings- ...,2016年9月16日—Iwasthinkinginmoreofasenseofanactualnotepad,thinkoflikeastickynoteorajournalwhereIcanwriterandomthings.,2019年10月12日—Description.Notepadisasimpletooltomanageyourpersonalingamenoteswithouthavingtousetextfilesinyourfilesystem.,2021年2月14日—Helloeve...

In-game notes addon?

2021年3月12日 — P.S.. Found an addon called Notepad by DarkAtair. Allows to create separate note titles and you can bind a key through ESC - Key Bindings - ...

Is there a notepad addon?

2016年9月16日 — I was thinking in more of a sense of an actual notepad, think of like a sticky note or a journal where I can write random things.


2019年10月12日 — Description. Notepad is a simple tool to manage your personal ingame notes without having to use text files in your file system.

Notepad addon for WotLK?

2021年2月14日 — Hello everyone, I need a Notepad addon for WotLK. I've found TinyPad ( ) but I don't ...

Sticky Note Addon?

2022年7月27日 — TL-DR: Is there an addon where I can put sticky notes with little messages on the top just as an overlay, similar to a hud element?


2014年9月12日 — TinyPad is a simple but powerful notepad addon that's easy to use. This addon works in Retail, Classic Era and WotLK Classic clients. How to ...

TinyPad : Miscellaneous

TinyPad is a simple but powerful notepad addon that's easy to use. This addon works in Retail, Classic Era, Cataclysm Classic, and TWW beta clients.


Fully featured and configurable notepad utility for WoW. wow journal notepad world-of-warcraft wow-addon worldofwarcraft world-of-warcraft-addon wow-notepad.